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Ohco Stomach Chi 60 Capsule


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Stomach Chi 60 Capsule

Stomach Chi improves your ability to process nourishment on both physical and emotional levels.

Stomach Chi works to improve the ability to take in and process "food" physically, emotionally, and mentally. Stomach Chi does not attempt to deal directly with the symptoms associated with digestive disturbances. Rather, it works at a functional level. The body is then able to let the well-designed digestive system do its work. When the stomach chi is strong, the body mechanism is fueled and ready for the tasks needed to be carried out. This distinction between chasing symptoms and strengthening stomach chi is a phenomenon worth experiencing.

Suggested Usage: Basic Way Take two capsules three times daily. Another Way Throw out the notion that a printed set of directions will provide the exact answer. Consider size, constitution, timing, and other factors affecting each unique person. Frequent use (as often as every twenty minutes) may be required in certain circumstances. With more experience and some anticipation, you won't need to consume a large quantity of herbs. The suggested maximum amount per day is 24 capsules. Continue with the Basic Way for a couple of days to ensure restoration of the digestive system.** When the process is complete, you will feel more balanced.

Other Ingredients:Atractylodes, hoelen, licorice, ginseng, citrus, pinellia, saussurea, cardamon, magnolia bark, ginger, perilla, and a corn starch excipient.

Warnings:Keep out of reach of children. As with all dietary supplements, consult your healthcare professional before use. See product label for more information.